- Any concern regarding your child should be given in writing to the school Principal along with proper details of the students.
- For enquiry, adhere to our office time on week days between 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
- You can meet the school Principal on week days between 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM only.
- To avoid inconvenience, change in address or phone no. should be registered with the school office at the earliest.
- In an academic year 75% student attendance is compulsary.
- Students can remain absent only with sanctioned leave.
- For emergency, the child is allowed out of the school only with one of the parent or guardians. This is crucial for the safety of the child.
- Reporting of the student of the opening day is compulsary. Delay will cost Rs. 200 per day as fine.
- Parents are responsible for the loss of classroom learning during long absenteeism.
- Co-curricular activities are integral to school syllabus. Participation is compulsory.
- Parents are expected to sign and follow the school diary and test papers regularly.
- Parents are requested to attend all PTMs to have first hand information about their child's progress. However PTMs conducted after half yearly and annual examination are compulsory for parents to attend as it is in this meeting the progress report of the child is handed over to them.
- No student is allowed to carry cell phones / I-Pod / MP3 players to the school. If found, a fine of Rs. 1000/- will be charged and strict disciplinary action will be taken.
- Disciplinary action will be taken against those who are responsible for damaging school property.
- It is compulsory for students to participate in school events. Parents support is mandatory.
- Amendments in school rules is a possibility. Kindly keep a track and adhere to it.